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Text File | 1978-01-01 | 38.0 KB | 1,093 lines |
- @6 The Old Series
- Meets
- @1
- We are investigating a strange variable naked singularity which has
- just appeared after a 75 year absence. The last such mission to study this
- phenomenon was the original Enterprise under the command of James Kirk. It
- is imperative that we find out why it has returned and just what causes
- these apparent violations of the laws of physics...
- Picard: Data, status of that..."thing."
- Data: Sir, if by "thing" you mean the singularity, sensors indicate
- that it is growing more unstable at this time.
- Picard: Hmmm...suggestions, anyone?
- Yar: Photon topredoes armed and ready, Captain! Just one good
- shot--
- Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. Respectfully submit we cease this
- wasteful pandering and go find another alien culture to
- conquer-- er, enlist in the Federation!
- Troi: I'm getting nothing from it, sir. Whatever it is, it won't
- help our ratings...
- Wes: Of course! If I modify the output from the warp engines--
- Picard: Shut up, Wesley! That's enough! What about you, Number One?
- Riker: Are you asking me to confirm what you've already decided, Sir?
- Why, we'll stay and investigate, of course.
- (looks eager)
- LaForge: Sir, I'm "seeing" all sorts of new, strange activity across
- the spectrum-- infra-red, microwave, and radio.
- Data: Sensors indicate gravitational field intensity increasing!
- Picard: What the...?
- Data: Captain, we are being pulled in...
- @1
- The Enterprise has been delayed while relaying emergency vaccines
- to plague-ridden Cyron IV by the appearance of a naked singularity. First
- Officer Spock is leading the investigation.
- McCoy: Dammit, Jim! We've got to get that vaccine to the rendezvous
- in two days or billions will die!
- Spock: (looking up from peep show viewer) Two days, one hour, sixteen
- minutes, and seven seconds, Doctor.
- McCoy: Blast it, Spock, I'm a doctor, not a cuckoo clock!
- Kirk: Gentlemen, please. We'll get that vaccine there, Bones. The
- rendezvous with the Yorktown is only a day away at warp 8.
- <intercom>: I heard that! She canna take the strain, Captain. Warp 6
- maybe, but only if we were fresh out of spacedock...
- Kirk: (flashing a winning grin at no one in particular) Take it
- easy, Scotty! You can do it, or you're fired.
- <intercom>: Aye, sir...
- Spock: (looks into viewer) Captain, I'm picking up readings of
- gravity fluctuations from the singularity.
- Kirk: Red alert! Shields up, Mr. Sulu. Lt. Uhura, open hailing
- frequencies... (stands, straightens uniform over belly)
- This is Captain James T. Kirk of the--
- Spock: Sir, it is only a natural phenomenon...
- Kirk: Oh... Cancel red alert. Maintain ready status.
- Chekov: Keptin Kirk! Something has just activated my long range
- sensors-- eet's some kind of wessel!
- Spock: Confirmed, Captain.
- Kirk: Red alert! (Throws Spock an "I told you so" look)
- Sulu, go to full magnification! Uhura, open--
- Uhura: Hailing frequencies already open, sir. Broadcasting
- friendship messages in all languages.
- Spock: Fascinating! (looks up from viewer)
- Jim-- it's tne Enterprise!
- @1
- After being pulled into the naked singularity, we find ourselves
- powerless and drifting towards another ship, which we could identify if our
- sensors were working...
- Picard: Any word on that ship yet?
- Data: No, sir. We will not be close enough for visual contact for
- another two minutes, three sec--
- Picard: LaForge, get down to the lounge and see if you can tell what
- it is.
- LaForge: Aye, sir.
- Picard: Oh, and Ensign Crusher?
- Wes: Sir?
- Picard: Shut up!
- (Wes looks confused yet again)
- Data: Sir, I wish to report something strange...
- Picard: Strange?
- Data: Is that not the word? (furrows brow, looking at his nose
- while thinking) Abnormal? Irregular? Biza--
- Riker: Daaaaaaa-ta!
- Data: Oh, yes. Sir, this may sound highly irregular, but computer
- comparisons of the ship library's astronomical charts with
- current sensor readings would seem to indicate that we have
- travelled back in time.
- Picard: Wait just a moment, those sensors aren't working.
- Data: They were not. However, due to time limitations placed on us
- by the writers, we had to skip a few minor details.
- Riker: Are you saying we're no longer in the present as we know it?
- (looks bewildered)
- <voice>: LaForge to bridge! Captain, this is going to sound bogus, but
- I see the Enterprise!
- Riker: Way to go Geordi! Who gave you your sight back this time?
- <voice>: Sir? Not this Enterprise, but the old one! The old
- Constitution Class starship!
- Yar: Confirmed, sir! We're being hailed in all the old Federation
- friendship messages.
- Picard: What??? Any suggestions?
- Riker: Might as well see what they want. Troi, are you feeling
- anything?
- Troi: Not at the moment; (switches to Riker's mental wavelength) but
- that doesn't mean I won't later, Amzadi...
- (Riker primps)
- Picard: On visual, Lieutenant.
- (A stocky, sandy-haired man who is obviously on a diet appears. Standing
- behind him is a tall, lean Vulcan whose hands are apparently cuffed behind
- his back)
- <...This is Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. We are on a
- peaceful mission! Explain who you are, or we will open fire!>
- Picard: (to Yar) Broadcast on all frequencies, in all languages...
- @1
- A highly advanced alien ship has seemingly surrendered to us for no
- apparent reason. Partly due to this, and partly because the alien vessel
- so closely resembles our own, Mr. Spock has advised extreme caution.
- Question: Is this some kind of mind control? Are we being made to see
- images and forms that are familiar to us to lull us into complacency? The
- lives of 430 crewmen depend on my decisions. On... my... decisions!!
- Kirk: We have not asked for a surrender! Only that you identify
- yourselves and state your purpose...
- <This is Captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship USS Enterprise. Our
- mission is peaceful-- >
- Kirk: Waitaminnut! *This* is the Enterprise!
- <In *your* time period, Captain. You see, we are from your future.
- Somehow, we must get back. Do you have any suggestions?>
- Kirk: My first officer and I will take it under consideration.
- Please stand by!
- (screen blanks out)
- Scotty: Captain! Did ye see thot-- a Klingon on thot ship! If they
- are from our future, let's put 'em oot o' their misery!
- Kirk: One moment, Mr. Scott. Spock? I do believe your eyebrow
- betrays your highly emotional state!
- Spock: Really? I see no need to insult me; I was merely attempting
- to scratch my forehead against my bangs so as not to expend
- the energy involved in raising my arm. However, I feel I
- should point out that if indeed there is an advanced alien
- culture aboard that vessel, and if they wanted to appear in a
- form familiar to us, they would either have to read our
- thoughts or scan the ship's records. Without such knowledge,
- they would have no pattern on which to base their deception.
- Ship's sensors would have alerted us to any scans, though I
- have detected some kind of telepathic activity coming from the
- alien ship.
- McCoy: Damn your Vulcan logic! If they were going to go through all
- the trouble of disguising themselves, then why not look just
- like us? Why all these differences, like a Klingon on a
- Federation ship? The wrong colors on the uniforms?? A
- less-than-perfect copy of the Enterprise??? I'll tell you
- why; they're mistakes! These new writers don't have what it
- takes, time or talent, and as a result we're just going to
- skip over the whole thing because we have to move along and
- can't involve ourselves with minor details like continuity.
- Spock: Captain, I suggest the best course of action would be beaming
- over to the alien ship for direct observation. We have not
- yet used the transporter this episode, and I would like the
- opportunity to study the highly advanced computer they possess;
- ours doesn't "tick."
- Kirk: Good idea! Uhura...?
- Uhura: (sighs) Aye, sir...on visual...
- Kirk: Due to the complexity of the situation, perhaps it would be
- best if my first officer and I beamed over to your ship...
- Picard: (to person offscreen) Suggestions? Will it violate the Prime
- Directive?
- Riker: (offscreen) Sir, their Prime Directive is our Prime
- Directive...
- Picard: Good! Then no harm is done! (to Kirk) Very well. You have
- our coordinates. Make it so!
- Kirk: Excellent! We'll beam over in five minutes. Kirk out...
- Kirk: Scotty, can you beam us over?
- Scott: No sir! Whot with this singularity beasties' effect an' all,
- it'll be two hours before we ken even transport a fly!
- Kirk: Scotty, I want that transporter working in five minutes!!
- Scott: (sighs also) Aye, sir...
- Kirk: If one more person sighs heavily because I make an
- unreasonable demand, I'll put that person in the brig!!!
- (hits no button in particular on his chair's arm)
- Security?
- <voice>: Blue Moon Detective Agency!
- Do aliens hate you;
- Tribbles berate you?
- Is your tricorder missing;
- Your yeoman not kissing?
- Then give us a call--
- We'll take the fall!
- Kirk: Security, send two men to the transporter room. I want them
- there in five minutes!!
- <voice>: (sigh!) Aye, sir. I'll see if they're in their offices...
- (cut to shot of transporter room)
- (security guard enters)
- Kirk: Chief Kyle, you have the coordinates. Beam us over safely and
- maybe I'll have that big picture on the wall you've been
- staring at for three seasons changed...
- (turns, examines guard) I thought I sent for two men,
- Ensign....?
- Guard: Addison, Ensign David Addison, sir. There should be two of
- us, but my partner is on maternity leave and I think I'm on
- the wrong set...
- Kirk: Hmmm... Only one guard. Can you handle a phaser?
- Guard: Ha! Do Klingons clingeth? Do Thesaurians thesaureth? Do you
- and Spock--
- Kirk: All right! I get the picture! We'll take you along, but
- first you have to trade shirts with me!
- Guard: Sir? Is this like Twister?
- Kirk: You heard me! Apparently, their security division color is
- mustard-gold, and if you think I'm beaming over in a security
- color uniform...
- Guard: Aye, sir...
- (Guard removes shirt. Kirk gets in a fight offscreen and has his forcibly
- removed. Hands dirty tatters to Addison.)
- Kirk: And another thing: get rid of those... (waves hand towards
- Addison's head) ...those whatever!
- Guard: Awww... Not my Ray-Bans! If the brothers in Philly ever see
- me like this...
- (the three men step onto the platform)
- Kirk: Energize!
- (Reality swirls. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and the security guard materialize on
- the new bridge.)
- Kirk: Hey! I thought there were only three of us!
- McCoy: It's those damn fool writers again!
- (Picard steps forward)
- Picard: I'm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise,
- NCC-1701..."D."
- Spock: Fascinating!
- Kirk: "D?"
- Picard: Yes, Captain. You see, although in reality this is only the
- third Enterprise, it was decided to skip "B" and "C" and name
- it in your honor...
- Kirk: My honor? But what happened to the original Enterprise?
- Picard: You blew it up!
- Kirk: I what??
- McCoy: Jim! Before you call this man a liar, just think of your
- record! Your habits! The risks you take!!
- Kirk: Well... what about the second one?
- Picard: Let's just say you're consistent...
- Kirk: Oh..... But why "D?" Why not "T?"
- Riker: (tries to look like Kirk) They already used that in *my*
- name, sir. No, they chose a most unusual method for picking
- the "D." Data?
- Data: To honor your statement, "The Enterprise is a beautiful lady
- and we love her," Starfleet historians went back and obtained
- the bra cup size of every woman, and alien, you ever kissed.
- The average was obtained, and appended to the number for the
- Enterprise. Hence, "1701-D."
- (Kirk looks innocently about. McCoy rocks on his heels. Spock
- prevaricates.)
- Kirk: I'm...... honored, I suppose.
- Picard: Ah! But I'm neglectful, certainly! Allow me to introduce my
- bridge crew. Any suggestions as to what order, anyone? No,
- never mind; let's throw caution to the wind! My first,
- William Riker (primps); Second-in-command Lt. Cmdr Data;
- Ship's Counselor, Deanna Troi (Kirk's eyes twinkle- Troi
- blushes, breathes faster); Security Chief Yar (now Kirk
- breathes faster- Troi receives impressions of the number "3");
- Lt. LaForge, our blind navigator (Spock raises eyebrow); and
- Lt. Worf, whose exact duties have never been revealed...
- Kirk: Worf?? He looks familar. Bones?
- (McCoy walks over, passes a med-scanner over Worf.)
- McCoy: Jim! This man is a Klingon!
- (Security guard raises phaser, but is blown away by Yar and Worf.)
- McCoy (passes scanner over guard) He's dead, Jim!
- LaForge: Well, now ABC has a chance to find someone that Cybill can
- work with...
- Kirk: That man! He was one of my crew!
- Data: A most appropriate choice of tense, Captain.
- Kirk: Only 429 lives left! And I'm responsible for them!! I'm....
- responsible!! My..... decisions!!!
- @1
- After beaming over to the strange "alien" vesel which claims to come
- from our future, we are greeted by humanoid life forms, one of which is a
- Klingon. This fact has already cost me the life of one of my crew. I'm
- saddened, but yet I feel a strange sense of elation at having had the
- foresight to change uniforms...
- @1
- He's dead, Jim. And I'll tell you something else; there isn't any
- reason he shouldn't be! He's just not alive anymore, and there's not a
- damn thing I can do to change it!
- Kirk: One of my men is dead! How many more must die before you've
- had enough?
- Picard: On the contrary, Cpatain! It was one of your 23rd Century
- savages who attacked for no reason! It's hard to believe we
- were once as primitive as you...
- (the two men continue the argument, oblivious to Yar and Worf, who are
- still attacking the body)
- Kirk: The Klingons are our sworn enemy!
- Picard: *Were* your sworn enemy!
- Kirk: My man was just doing what any other man would have done in
- his position. And for someone who calls us savages, I find it
- highly irregular that "civilized" beings like yourselves would
- carry weapons on the bridge!
- (McCoy sees Yar and Worf)
- McCoy: Stop it!... Stop it!! You just don't keep hacking away at a
- man after he's down!!
- Picard: Lieutenant Yar, report!
- Yar: (stands, faces Picard) Speaking strictly as Security Chief,
- just how much can you trust a dead person on the bridge?
- Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. I live for this--
- Picard: Not on my bridge, you won't! (turns to Kirk) I assume you'd
- like to return your man to your ship?
- Kirk: Yes, thank you. (flips open communicator) Kirk to
- Enterprise, come in Enterprise...
- <voice>: Enterprise! Scott here...
- Kirk: Mr. Scott, there's been an accident over here; we've lost
- another security guard.
- <voice>: Och! Thot'll be the fifth this week!
- Kirk: I know, Scotty. One to beam over; better put the ship on
- Yellow Alert. Kirk out.
- (body dematerializes; Worf becomes visibly down-hearted)
- Picard: I'm sorry about your man. If it's any consolation, he wasn't
- the father; it was Sam's baby...
- Kirk: Death... is never justifiable...
- Troi: I know how you feel, Captain.
- Kirk: Do you, Counselor? Do you really know what it's like to be
- responsible for the lives of 430--
- Data: Four hundred and twenty-nine, sir.
- Kirk: --429 men and women?
- Troi: Sir, I am half Betazoid. I can sense strong emotions and
- feelings. Your sense of loss is most intense; it is difficult
- not to feel it...
- Spock: (to Kirk) Undoubtably the source of the telephathy I
- perceived earlier coming from this ship, Captain.
- Troi: Strange. You appear to be Vulcan, yet I sense some emotions
- in you!
- McCoy: What's the matter, Spock? Slipping?
- Spock: No, Doctor. As you are well aware, I possess a Human half
- that is sometimes difficult to control. I hope to someday
- purge all emotions and embrace total logic, thus achieving
- Kolinahr.
- McCoy: Well, just so long as you change your pants after you achieve
- it...
- Data: (to Spock) Most unusual. We are very much alike, you and I,
- yet, you state your desire to suppress your Human tendencies.
- I, on the other hand, wish I could become more Human.
- Kirk: You mean you're not?
- Data: No, sir. I am an android. A computer. A--
- Kirk: You're a machine?? And you're second in command??
- Data: I'm also in several bio-mechanical texts.
- Riker: It's Starfleet's policy never to discriminate against any
- sentient life form. Mr. Data never failed any test for
- sentience. I might add that all Academy graduates are
- required to be sentient.
- Yar: A pity your security details never had to pass those tests!
- Maybe if they had, you would have a Chief of Security...
- Data: (aside to Kirk) Ask me sometime about the advantages of
- having a Chief of Security...
- McCoy: So! This is what it's come to! Machines taking over for man,
- just because they can think faster? Well, I don't buy it.
- There are just some things a machine can't do!! I'd name 'em,
- but there are children watching this show...
- Data: But sir! I *am* fully functional.
- Troi: Tasha? Why do I sense embarassment??
- (Kirk's communicator beeps)
- Kirk: Kirk here. What is it, Scotty?
- <voice>: Sir? This is Lt. Uhura; Mr. Scott is in engineering.
- Kirk: Engineering? But I left Scotty in charge! What's wrong?
- What's going on on my ship??
- <voice>: I don't know, sir. We're losing power, and we don't know why!
- Captain... I'm frightened!!
- Spock: Spock here. Mr. Sulu, at what rate is the Enterprise losing
- power?
- <voice 2>: We're down to 80% power, but the drain is increasing
- geometrically. We have maybe (static)ve more hours (more
- static) lose all power and are pulled into the (even more
- static) ...source is the alien (complete static).......
- Kirk: Sulu! (taps communicator) Mr. Sulu!! Can you read me?
- McCoy: It's dead, Jim! I can't get anything on mine, either!
- Kirk: Well, it looks like we're here for a while. (turns to Picard)
- But what concerns me is why you're draining energy from my
- ship!
- Picard: I assure you, we are doing no such thing!
- Spock: Yours is the only ship in the area; it is only logical to
- assume it is the source of the power drain. If your ship is
- not the source, then what is?
- Picard: Hmmmm... Good idea! Suggestions, anyone?
- Spock: Perhaps if we spoke with your chief engineer...
- Picard: I'm afraid that's not possible.
- Kirk: That's my ship losing power over there, mister! You better
- make it possible!!
- Picard: No, you don't understand. We don't *have* a chief engineer.
- McCoy: What??
- Picard: That's usually my line, Doctor. (to Kirk) You see, there
- just wasn't anybody cast in the role of chief engineer. The
- writers gave us a Chief of Security instead.
- McCoy: So what do you do now? Kill off engineers instead of
- security?
- Riker: (eagerly) Well, the only person to be killed so far has been
- an engineer...
- Kirk: You mean to tell me that someday, the Federation will put
- Klingons on the bridge, arm their bridge crews, kill off
- engineers instead of security guards, and place machines in
- the chain of command??
- LaForge: You forgot the part about letting a blind person drive the
- ship, sir.
- (Troi steps forward, wobbles a little)
- Troi: I.... I sense.... I...
- (Troi collapses. McCoy and Riker rush over)
- Picard: (hits communicator on chest) Bridge to Sick Bay! Medical
- Alert! Dr. Crusher to the bridge!!
- <voice>: I'm on my way!
- Picard: Does anyone have any ideas as to why Counselor Troi collapsed?
- Riker: Unknown at this moment, Captain.
- McCoy: She seems to be suffering from some virus. It might be
- communicable!
- Spock: Sir, if that is the case, the bridge personnel should be
- quarantined.
- Picard: I'll do no such thing! As you know, we do things a bit
- differently in the 24th Century. (turns to face bridge crew)
- LaForge? You got to spread the virus last time; whose turn is
- it now?
- Yar: Mine, sir.
- Picard: Very well. Make sure you miss no one! Remember: it's vital
- that as many people as possible get sick in as short a time as
- possible. We haven't had any good dramatic tension since the
- security guard was killed.
- Yar: Aye, aye, sir.
- (she moves off and begins kissing everyone as Dr. Crusher comes onto the
- bridge)
- (Crusher passes scanner over Troi)
- Crusher: Oh, my God... Oh, my God!...
- Picard: What? What??
- Crusher: It's some virus I've never seen before!
- Riker: Is there an antidote of any kind?
- Crusher: Like I said, I've never seen it before. I'll be lucky to come
- up with a vaccine in time, *if* there's a vaccine! Judging by
- its rate of progress, you all have three hours to live!!
- Picard: What??
- Kirk: "You" have three hours? Don't you mean "we?"
- Crusher: I meant "you;" I never catch any of the illnesses I treat, or
- don't you watch the show? (turns to Picard) Three hours at
- best, Captain...
- @1
- A deadly virus has appeared aboard the Enterprise. Unless Dr.
- Crusher can come up with an antidote in three hours, we will all die!
- Meanwhile, the mysterious power drain continues to affect the other
- Enterprise. Security is investigating, as the source of the drain appears
- to be on this ship!
- Picard: What are the symptoms, Doctor?
- Crusher: I don't now, sir.
- Picard: Well, can you isolate it?
- Crusher: Again, I don't know!
- Picard: Then if you know nothing about it, how can you predict that we
- have only three hours left to live??
- Crusher: I don't know, sir! I just looked at my tricorder, and that's
- what it said! Oh, I suppose I can take some blood samples or
- run some tests, but beyond that, I just don't know, Jean Luc!!
- Picard: Good work, Doctor! Make it so!
- Spock: (under his breath) As I have always maintained, members of
- the medical profession would do better to employ the use of
- beads and rattles...
- Kirk: What's that, Mr. Spock?
- Spock: I said, based on the doctor's investigation and evaluation of
- the virus, I would venture to say that Doctor McCoy's medical
- methods were, for some reason, widely adopted among Starfleet
- personnel. Perhaps in order to effect some method of
- population control...
- McCoy: That's enough, Spock! Can't you see? This woman relies too
- much on a machine and not on her human intuition! And you're
- not the one to use human intuition, are you? You pointy-eared
- logic circuit! Why, if I weren't--
- Kirk: That's enough, Bones; Spock! We only have a few hours left.
- I suggest we use them wisely.
- Data: Two hours, fifty-five minutes and 17 seconds, sir.
- McCoy: (to Kirk) Kinda reminds you of someone, doesn't he?
- ("thumbs" his head at Spock)
- Kirk: Bones, why don't you see what you can figure out about his
- virus!
- (McCoy leaves)
- Picard: I assure you, Captain! Dr. Crusher is most competent...
- Kirk: If you don't mind, Dr. McCoy will proceed nonetheless.
- Picard: Do you distrust my Chief Medical Officer?
- Kirk: Just what would you do in my position? I'm on board a plague
- ship with a clueless albeit attractive CMO who is on first
- name terms with the Captain. Both parties continually
- exchange furtive glances, not to mention the doubt surrounding
- the parentage of the only child on board who is allowed access
- to the bridge!
- Picard: Hmmm... Quite so! (looks around) Has anyone seen Wesley?
- (everyone looks around, but he's not there)
- Picard: Computer? Tell me the location of Wesley Crusher!
- <Computer>: The boy?
- Picard: Yes! The boy!
- <Computer>: The boy is in Engineering, section 6. Have a nice day!
- Picard: Bridge to Engineering! Is Wesley there?
- <voice>: The boy? Yes, he's here. One moment...
- <Whine>: Yes, Fath-- er, Captain Picard?
- Picard: Is that you, Wesley?
- <Whine>: Yes, sir!
- Picard: Good. Shut up! Bridge out!
- Worf: Sir! Sensors indicate the other Enterprise's orbit is
- beginning to fluctuate! It's as if their controls were
- sluggish...
- Picard: What??
- Riker: Have they lost all power?
- Worf: No, sir. Power loss seems to have leveled off. They are at
- 15% power.
- Kirk: Fifteen percent? But that's barely enough for life support
- and helm control! The lives of--
- Picard: Yes, yes, we know!
- Spock: Fascinating! It's as if the source of the power drain knew
- the precise level of power the Enterprise could be lowered to
- and yet maintain control of vital functions...
- Kirk: So you're saying the Enterprise shouldn't lose any more power?
- Spock: Read my lips, Jim! I believe I have inferred as much. The
- only logical question that remains is what will the stolen
- power be used for?
- Riker: And don't forget; we need to know who's taking it!
- Kirk: Anything else, Spock?
- Spock: Affirmative. Why has no one else succumbed to the virus?
- Picard: Good point! Comment, anyone?
- Riker: I feel fine, sir!
- Data: As do I, sir.
- Picard: Well, I think it's safe to say that if Counselor Troi were
- here, she would say that she feels that we feel fine!
- Riker: Makes "sense," sir.
- (Kirk groans)
- Picard: Bridge to Sickbay! Doctor Crusher, why has no one else been
- infected?
- <Voice>: I don't know, sir!... Damn! Where are all those wise sayings
- we doctors are supposed to say at times like these?
- Picard: Doctor!... Beverly... get a hold of yourself! It's all right!
- <Voice>: (sniffle) Thanks, Jean Luc...
- <Voice 2>: Jim? McCoy here! I think I have it! It's not a virus at
- all!
- Kirk: What do you mean, Bones?
- <Voice 2>: If it's all right with you, I'll explain it when I come up to
- the bridge for the final scene...
- Kirk: Okay, but make it fast!
- <Voice 3>: Sir, Chief Engineer No. 3,814 here, sir. We've figured out a
- way to get back, sir!
- Picard: Excellent! To whom do we owe our gratitude?
- <Voice 3>: He's on his way to the bridge now, sir...
- (at this point, the turbolift doors open. Wesley steps out.)
- LaForge: (to himself) Oh, no! Not again!
- Picard: Ensign Crusher! I thought you were in Engineering?
- Wes: I was, sir. But seeing as how I finished the modifications to
- the warp engines necessary to return the ship to our time--
- Picard: You did what??
- Riker: It's my fault, sir. He's my responsibility; I should have
- kept a closer eye on him! (Advances towards Wes)
- Picard: One moment, Will! First, I want to find out what he did to my
- ship! Report, Wesley!
- Wes: Well, sir, all I had to do was modify the power output of the
- warp engines. But in order to do this, I had to borrow some
- extra power. The only other source was the other Enterprise.
- Kirk: You mean you're responsible for what crippled my ship?? You
- nearly killed almost 430 men and women!!
- Wes: Sir, I knew what I was doing. I called up the records on your
- ship, though it was a little confusing as to just which ship
- you're using at the moment. I found out the critical
- threshold of energy depletion for your ship, and from there I
- just borrowed the rest. You can always generate more...
- Kirk: You just don't go and "borrow" energy from a starship!!
- Spock: Not true, Captain, since apparently he has done it.
- Picard: Captain, please!! (to Wes, sweetly) Wesley, do you mean to
- say we can return home now?
- Wes: Yes, sir.
- Picard: Good. Then shut up!!
- (once again, the turbolift doors open. McCoy, Crusher, and Troi step onto
- the bridge)
- McCoy: Jim, I'm beginning to believe I can cure anything!
- Kirk: Report, Bones!
- McCoy: Well, the whole problem started with an incorrect diagnosis!
- It wasn't a virus after all!!
- Kirk: Yes, I believe you said something about that earlier...
- McCoy: You see, Jim, if it was a virus, it would have spread! But
- instead, only Troi got sick! It was only after I found out
- that she's a hyper-sensitive that I realized what caused the
- illlness!
- Kirk: Well?... What caused it?
- McCoy: Think about it! Troi didn't get sick until we arrived. We
- caused her illness!
- Picard: But you said it wasn't a virus!
- McCoy: And it's not! It's the writing, the scripts!... The writers!!
- Kirk: Yes, yes- they control everthing, but even they haven't given
- a good reason for only Troi becoming sick...
- McCoy: They don't have to!
- Crusher: Captain, it's like back in the 21st Century--
- Picard: Those were savage times!
- Crusher: --when half the population was starving. Even when they
- finally got food, they couldn't eat it too quickly without
- getting sick!
- Kirk: I still don't understand how that explains the illness.
- Spock: Most interesting! You are saying that the appearance of your
- vessel in our time is causing your illness because you are
- used to bad writing. Our beaming over only aggravated the
- problem further...
- McCoy: And that's why Troi collapsed! Being so perceptive, so
- sensitive, it was just too much for her to take!!
- Kirk: She seems to be fine now...
- McCoy: That's because she left the bridge and went to Sickbay- the
- place where one of the most incompetent, shallow, and
- unbelievable characters on this ship works. She'll be all
- right once we leave, but prolonged exposure to good writing
- could kill her!
- (Thousands of viewers can be heard screaming, "Stay for a while! Stay on
- the ship!!")
- Picard: And once you return to your ship, we can return to our proper
- time...
- Kirk: That's it? As simple as that?
- Picard: I'm afraid so, Captain. The new writers are used to rushing
- the ending...
- (Beep! Beep!)
- Kirk: Kirk here!
- <voice>: Scott here; we're beaming ye back!
- Kirk: But I gave no such order!
- <voice>: Sorry, sir! But we're under time constraints, and I canna
- take enna more of this episode!
- Kirk: Scotty! You've got to give me a few minutes. Just a few, and
- I need them now!!
- <voice>: Sorry, sir. I'm under orders!
- (Kirk, Spock, and McCoy dematerialize)
- Picard: Well, I'm glad *they're* gone, eh Number One?
- Riker: Yes, sir! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get back to
- our rushed dialogue and plot...
- Picard: Agreed! Mr. LaForge? Lay in a course back to our own time!
- Warp factor six!
- LaForge: Aye, aye, sir. Course plotted... and laid in, sir.
- Picard: Engage!
- (The Enterprise revs up, stretches, pops like a rubber band, and disappears
- in a very realistic flash of light.)
- @1
- The ship from our future has been gone for almost one hour.
- Gone with it is any trace of the naked singularity we had been
- investigating. As is usual for the end of a crisis, I have called Dr.
- McCoy to the bridge to engage in idle speculation, pointless banter, and
- maybe even a brief moral...
- Kirk: I still don't understand it, Bones. It all just happened so
- quickly.
- McCoy: Jim, I keep telling you- it's not your fault! The writers of
- that century are just-.... well, they're just bad! They even
- forgot to leave in the singularity for the last scene!
- Spock: (turning at his station) I disagree, Doctor. It was most
- logical for the singularity to disappear when the future
- Enterprise vanished.
- McCoy: Oh, no! I should have known it! The writers have gotten to
- Spock!
- Spock: (ignoring McCoy) You see, Jim, the singularity was
- essentially a "rip" in the fabric of the universe. Some
- tremendous strain, existing both in their time and ours, was
- too great for the normal space-time continuum to bear.
- Kirk: So what was it, Spock? What caused the strain in the first
- place?
- Spock: I believe Doctor McCoy is best qualified to explain that, sir.
- Vulcans do not engage in television criticism...
- Kirk: Bones?
- McCoy: It was us, Jim!
- Kirk: Come on, Bones! We've never travelled to the future!!
- McCoy: True; not personally. But consider all those plots that have
- been lifted from our series and used in theirs!
- Kirk: Ahhhhh!.... So the removing of not just one, but many, many
- events in our present to their future caused the strain which
- "ripped" the universe?
- Spock: Quite correct, Captain. Perhaps if they had used only a few,
- the strain would have had no effect, but as they used so
- many...
- Kirk: Well, I still don't understand why the singularity
- disappeared. Aren't we still in our present? Aren't they
- back in the future? Wouldn't the strain still be there??
- Spock: Unknown, Cpatain. Perhaps our appearance in some way
- motivated their writers to be more original.
- Kirk: Well, in any case, it's like I've always said...
- (entire bridge crew grimaces in anticipation)
- McCoy: Yes, Jim?
- KirK: Even though this show is a timeless classic, it will never be
- duplicated in another time period.
- (the whole bridge starts giggling and laughing)
- Kirk: Ha, ha!
- Sulu: Ho, ho!
- Chekov: Wery Funny!
- Spock: (<-- Vulcan laughter)
- Kirk: (holding side) Mr. Sulu? Plot a course for rendezvous with
- the Yorktown; we have some vaccines to deliver. Maximum warp!
- Sulu: Aye, aye, sir!
- (music fades in as Enterprise moves away)
- (picture fades to black)
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- @5Written by Glen Colby, who doesn't mind if copies are passed around, just
- so long as this little credit stays on at the end.